

Gaan Sao Ulrich Stauner

The gaan sao is a hand move that reminds of a plough. It moves downwards following the orientation line.

Fung Hao Ulrich Stauner

The fung hao is an attack executed with the side of one's hand that will generally be directed to the neck of the opponent. The fung hao is...

Biu Sao Ulrich Stauner

Biu sao is a forwardly oriented movement, regularly used under the other arm as an emergency attack. It points towards the target one wants to...

Jut Sao Ulrich Stauner

The jut sao is executed with the inner part of the wrist and serves as a preparation for further attacks like a punch or a fung hao.


  • Zugriffe seit dem 22. November 2004

  • 0457812
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