

Kwan Sao Ulrich Stauner

As kwan sao, we describe a move composed of a tan sao and a deep bong sao. It is a defensive as well as an offensive move.

Fook Sao Ulrich Stauner

The fook sao is the forward controlling hand. Its appearance reminds a praying mantis.

Jut Sao Ulrich Stauner

The jut sao is executed with the inner part of the wrist and serves as a preparation for further attacks like a punch or a fung hao.

Tan Sao Ulrich Stauner

The tan sao is described as a palm up hand. It is an attacking hand oriented forward.


  • Zugriffe seit dem 22. November 2004

  • 0457794
  • ©Copyright by Ulrich Stauner Ving Tsun Kung Fu 2004-2024

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